ya me voy

October 26, 2009

well here is my last night in quito for a while. The First Annual Zombie Pub Crawl, Quito, Ecuador, 2009, was a resounding success. I got to satisfy my Halloween craving by making people up. trying to pack and generally failing. still really have no idea what age kids I’ll be working with, pretty much anything at all. guess I’ll find out when I get there. looking forward to kicking for good the cold I’ve had on and off for the past, I don’t know, month, Quito pollution – literally black clouds of smoke coming out of cars and buses – isn’t very conducive to trying to heal a sore throat.

I’m a bit nervousand also saddened to leave the other people in my program, some of which I’ve made quite good friends with. some other people have others in the same internship site and while from the outset I didn’t “want” that, right now it sounds like it would be pretty good. I am going to be essentially solita, well, close enough to some other MSIDer’s see them on weekends if we so desire, but unfortunately not the ones I am closest with. good people of course but cie la vie.

I went to a house party a couple nights ago in Guapolo, the so called “arsty/hipster” neighborhood of Quito, which I had generally been avoiding as a French girl was shot point blank there a few weeks ago (she actually had been living in Ecuador for a couple years.) at any rate it was this amazing little apartment, colorful walls and bare minimum furniture, music playing, homemade canelazo, and a bunch of people from FLASCO, social researchers, filmmakers, an animated little thin old man with grey hair in a ponytail and a cigarette and beer in hand, and it was great to sit down and chill with some people to whom theater and art were not strange words on the tongue. too bad I’m leaving so quickly, and it made me hunger to quit the program and go find these types and people and just learn that way.

and other then all this right now I am ridiculously nervous, don’t quite understand how I got myself in the position of teaching english, literally being in charge of english for an entire school, when that is the one thing I did not want to do, why I am not in Peru with pupeteers, why am I not x, why am I not doing y, why has my spanish been so awful this past week, etc. etc. etc.

remember, 20 minute walk from internet. welcome to even less frequent updates. or perhaps more frequent actually, planning to make a once a week walk to work on my paper, so might update weekly now.


I don’t even know what age kids I will be working with, if there are paper and markers….if there is not I do not know what I will do with myself

buy them, probably.

I just keep reminding myself this is an adventure, and it will be worth it no matter what, as awfully trite as that sounds.

it’s just an incredible feeling to wake up today and have no idea what my life will be like tomorrow, this evening. I guess that can apply to any day of any life however. you never know. that truth is just painfully, splendidly, awesomely – in the true meaning of the word awe – clear at this moment.

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